Salon: 540-972-8810 Medspa: 540-755-2242 Text: 540-306-5633
4266 Germanna Hwy Suite 101 Locust Grove, VA 22508

Color Services
Life is art...Live yours in Color!
All color pricing includes blow-dry style. Cuts are additional charge
All pricing is starting at and subject to change, without notice. Ask your stylist for an accurate quote before your service or request a complimentary consultation.
$80 & up
w/cut $127 & up
All over 1-process color, Please consult with your stylist about your color needs and how often you should be seen to maintain roots and refreshed to ends should be done.
Double Process
$145 & up
w/cut $195 & up
w/full high-lo &cut $215 & up
All over color to even out hair and cover any gray. Hi-lo foils are added to give dimension for a fabulous summer or fall palette
Partial Foil Hi-lo
$100 & up
w/ cut $150 & up
Foils are placed from crown to front and both sides to refresh your hi or lo color.
*If underneath is desired, please schedule a full foil
Full Foil Hi-lo
$140 & up
w/ cut $190 & up
Foils are placed from back to front and both sides to *refresh your hi or lo color.
*If root color is needed, please schedule a Double process